5 ways to support your wife during Pregnancy
My wife is about 4 months pregnant now with our fourth child so this topic is top of mind for me. I thought I’d share with you a few tips on how to be the most supportive husband you can be.
- Be Understanding
Your wife is making a baby! Some of the stuff she wants may seem irrational or crazy but if she wants it, she wants it. Trust her to tell you what she needs and don’t think twice about getting it for her. It is easy to become resentful when you are running around, taking care of kids, working and then coming home to a sick wife that wants pickles on toast. Suspend your judgement and don’t expect you wife to do anything except make a baby right now. This is your chance to practice true selflessness. - Rock the house
The home may not be your regular domain but now is your time to get aquatinted with where the blender is and start whipping up some home cooked meals. Or smoothies… or at least toast (start small). You will be in charge of meals, kids, and maintaining the house so gear up. Take on as much as you can, especially if your wife is sick or bedridden for a few month. If you need to take some time off work or slack off a bit, this is the time to do it. You don’t have to maintain the same standard as when you are both fully functioning but keeping your house in order is a great way to support your wife during pregnancy. - Show affection and love
There is a lot going on during pregnancy with her body and hormones. She is going to need more verbal and physical (not sex) attention than ever before. Be forthcoming with words of affirmation and cuddles. Tell her she is beautiful and that you love her even when she is a hot mess. - Get educated
Spend some time getting ready to be a dad. There are a ton of good books out there about how to be a father and what to expect. Dude Dad has a fun new book out that is actually quite educational. Check that out and get up to speed on what is going on in your wife’s body now and get ready for everything you’ll need to know as a new dad.
5. Attend appointments
Go to as many appointments as you can especially if this is your first. You’ll want to be comfortable with the terminology and space before you are in the high stress birthing process. You’ll want to know the doctors and nurses who will be helping you deliver the baby and you’ll want to be confident where to go when it all starts happening! You’ll also want to be there for the ultrasound because it is super cool! Also, if there ever any complications it is important to be there for support and wisdom throughout the process.
You’re going to be a dad! There is nothing better than that. Start out on the right foot by being present and engaged during the pregnancy. This is the foundation for the rest of your parenting career. You’re going to crush it! As long as you put in the effort.